DIY Guide: How Do You Make Slime with Soap and Salt

Greetings! Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of slime making? Today, I’m here to share with you some fantastic recipes on how to make slime with soap and salt. These simple and safe alternatives to borax-based slimes will provide endless hours of fun for kids of all ages.

So, let’s get started! There are a few different ways you can make slime with soap and salt. The first recipe involves using craft glue, dish soap, water, baking soda, and optional food coloring. Another recipe uses cornstarch, dish soap, water, and optional glitter or other add-ins. And finally, you can make slime with just dish soap and toothpaste, along with a pinch of salt. With these recipes, the possibilities are endless!

Key Takeaways:

  • Slime with soap and salt provides a safe alternative to borax-based slimes.
  • You can make slime with soap and salt using craft glue, dish soap, water, baking soda, cornstarch, toothpaste, and a pinch of salt.
  • Experiment with different ingredients, such as food coloring or glitter, to customize the texture and color of your slime.
  • Store your slime in airtight containers to keep it fresh and extend its playtime.
  • Enjoy the endless fun and creativity that slime making with soap and salt has to offer!

How to Make Slime with Soap and Baking Soda

If you’re looking for a simple slime recipe that doesn’t require borax, then making slime with soap and baking soda is the perfect option. This recipe uses everyday household ingredients and is safe for kids to play with. Here’s how you can make slime with soap and baking soda:

Gather Your Ingredients

  • 1/2 cup of craft glue
  • 1 tablespoon of dish soap
  • 1/4 cup of water
  • Food coloring of your choice (optional)
  • Baking soda

Mix the Ingredients

In a mixing bowl, combine the craft glue, dish soap, and water. If desired, add a few drops of food coloring to create a vibrant slime color. Stir the mixture until well combined.

Add Baking Soda

Gradually add baking soda to the mixture, stirring as you go. Keep adding baking soda until the slime starts to come together and becomes pliable. You can test the slime’s stickiness by pressing on it with your fingers. If it’s too sticky, add more baking soda. If it’s too stiff, add a little more water.

“I love making slime with soap and baking soda because it’s so easy and doesn’t require any fancy ingredients. It’s a great sensory activity for kids and provides hours of fun!” – Sarah, Parent

Store and Enjoy

Once the slime is the desired consistency, store it in an airtight container to keep it fresh. The slime can be played with for a few days, and if it starts to dry out, simply add a little water and knead it until it becomes pliable again.

Making slime with soap and baking soda is a fantastic option for those who want to avoid using borax. It’s a safe and simple recipe that kids will love. So gather your ingredients, follow the steps, and get ready to have a gooey good time!

Slime Recipe with Soap and Salt

How to Make Slime with Soap and Cornstarch

When it comes to making slime with soap and salt, there’s another simple recipe you can try using cornstarch. This recipe offers a different texture and consistency compared to the previous ones, making it a fun alternative for kids. To get started, gather the following ingredients:

  • 1 cup of cornstarch
  • 1/2 cup of dish soap
  • Water (as needed)
  • Optional: Glitter or small objects for sensory experiences

To make the slime, follow these steps:

  1. In a bowl, combine the cornstarch and dish soap.
  2. Gradually add water to the mixture, stirring well until you achieve the desired consistency. Add more cornstarch if you want sticky slime or more water for chalky slime.
  3. If desired, add glitter or small objects to enhance the sensory experience.
  4. Once the slime is ready, store it in an airtight container to keep it fresh for a few weeks of play.

With this cornstarch-based slime recipe, you can create a whole new sensory experience for your kids. It’s a great way to engage their senses and provide them with hours of fun and entertainment. Just remember to supervise younger children during play and store the slime properly when not in use.

Slime with Soap and Salt

Experiment with Different Textures

One of the advantages of making slime with soap and cornstarch is the ability to experiment with different textures. By adjusting the proportions of cornstarch and water, you can create slime that is either more sticky or more chalky. This versatility allows children to explore different sensations and tactile experiences as they play with the slime.

“The cornstarch-based slime recipe opens up a world of possibilities for sensory play. The unique texture and consistency make it a great choice for children looking for a different slime experience.”

Pros Cons
Easy to make with simple ingredients May require trial and error to achieve desired consistency
Offers a different texture compared to other slime recipes Can be messy to play with
Allows for sensory exploration with optional glitter or objects Requires supervision, especially for younger children

Overall, making slime with soap and cornstarch provides a unique and engaging experience for children. By adjusting the recipe and experimenting with different textures, kids can have fun while exploring their senses. So gather your ingredients, follow the steps, and let the slime-making adventure begin!

How to Make Slime with Soap and Toothpaste

Looking for an easy and safe slime recipe? Look no further! In this section, I’ll show you how to make slime with soap and salt using just a few ingredients that you probably already have at home. This recipe is perfect for kids who are sensitive to borax or other chemicals commonly found in slime recipes. So let’s get started!

To make slime with soap and toothpaste, you’ll need the following ingredients:

  • Dish soap
  • Toothpaste
  • Salt
  • Food coloring (optional)

First, start by combining dish soap and toothpaste in a bowl. You’ll want to use equal parts of each ingredient, but you can adjust the proportions based on the consistency you desire. Stir the mixture until the toothpaste dissolves completely.

Next, add a pinch of salt to the mixture and stir it in. The salt will help thicken the slime and give it a fun texture. If you’d like to add some color to your slime, you can also mix in a few drops of food coloring.

Once your slime is well mixed, place it in the refrigerator for about an hour to cool and set. After chilling, remove it from the fridge and give it a good mix by hand. You’ll feel the slime become stretchy and pliable, perfect for squeezing and squishing!

Finally, store your slime in an airtight container to prevent it from drying out. It should last for a day or two of playtime. Remember to wash your hands after playing with slime, as it can leave residue.

Slime with Soap and Salt

Ingredients Proportions
Dish soap Equal parts
Toothpaste Equal parts
Salt A pinch
Food coloring A few drops (optional)


Making slime with soap and salt is a fun and safe activity that kids will love. By using simple household ingredients like craft glue, dish soap, cornstarch, toothpaste, and baking soda, you can create a variety of textures and colors of slime. These easy slime recipes provide safe alternatives to borax-based slimes, making them suitable for children with sensitive skin.

Remember to store your slime creations in airtight containers to extend their playtime. This will keep them fresh and ready for more fun. Whether you choose to make slime with baking soda, cornstarch, or toothpaste, each recipe offers a unique sensory experience that will engage and entertain children for hours.

So gather your ingredients and unleash your inner scientist with these DIY slime recipes! Get creative, experiment with different colors and textures, and enjoy the gooey, stretchy, and squishy fun that slime provides. With these safe slime recipes, you can have endless hours of sensory play without worrying about harmful ingredients. Have a blast making and playing with slime!


Can I make slime with soap and salt?

Yes, you can make slime with soap and salt. There are several different recipes you can try using ingredients like craft glue, dish soap, water, cornstarch, baking soda, toothpaste, and food coloring.

Are these slime recipes safe for kids?

Yes, these slime recipes are safe for kids. They are alternatives to borax-based slimes and use common household ingredients that are generally safe for children to handle. However, adult supervision is always recommended.

How long can I store the slime?

You can store the slime in an airtight container. The shelf life will depend on the recipe and how it is stored. Generally, slime can last for a few days to a few weeks, but it’s always a good idea to check for any signs of spoilage or mold before use.

Can I adjust the texture and color of the slime?

Yes, you can adjust the texture and color of the slime. For different textures, you can vary the proportions of ingredients like cornstarch or baking soda. For colors, you can add food coloring or glitter to achieve the desired effect.

Are these slime recipes suitable for sensitive skin?

Yes, these slime recipes are suitable for children with sensitive skin. Since they do not use borax, which can cause skin irritation for some individuals, they offer a safer option for sensory play.

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