Easy Guide: How Do You Make Slime with Flour and Lotion

Making slime with flour and lotion is a fun and easy DIY project that you can do at home. By combining these common household items, you can create a safe and enjoyable slime for your kids to play with. In this easy guide, I will walk you through the step-by-step process of making slime with flour and lotion, providing you with all the necessary ingredients and instructions to create your own homemade slime. Get ready to have a blast with this creative slime-making activity!

Are you ready to dive into the world of homemade slime? It’s time to gather the ingredients and get started. In the next section, we’ll discuss the various ingredients you’ll need to make slime with flour and lotion. Let’s get slimey!

Ingredients for Making Slime with Flour and Lotion

To make slime with flour and lotion, you will need the following ingredients:

  1. Clear glue
  2. Water
  3. Food coloring or soap colorant
  4. Baking soda
  5. Contact solution
  6. Foaming hand wash
  7. Shaving cream
  8. Cornstarch
  9. Vaseline lotion

These common household items can be easily found in most kitchens or bathrooms, making it convenient to gather everything you need to start making slime. By using these ingredients, you can create a soft and stretchy slime that is less sticky than other types of slime, ensuring a longer-lasting play experience.

Here is a visually engaging table summarizing the ingredients for making slime with flour and lotion:

Ingredient Quantity
Clear glue 1/2 cup
Water 1/2 cup
Food coloring or soap colorant A few drops
Baking soda 1/2 teaspoon
Contact solution 1 tablespoon
Foaming hand wash 1/4 cup
Shaving cream 1/4 cup
Cornstarch 2 tablespoons
Vaseline lotion 1 tablespoon

Tips for Making Slime with Flour and Lotion

When making slime with flour and lotion, it’s important to consider a few tips to ensure the best results:

  • Measure the ingredients accurately to maintain the right consistency.
  • Choose high-quality glue for a better slime texture.
  • Experiment with different colors and scents to make the slime more engaging.
  • If the slime is too sticky, add a small amount of contact solution.
  • If the slime is too watery, add more cornstarch to thicken it.
  • Have fun and get creative with add-ins like glitter or small toys.

By following these tips and using the right ingredients, you can create amazing slime with flour and lotion that your kids will love to play with!

Flour and lotion slime ingredients

Section 3: Step-by-Step Instructions for Making Slime with Flour and Lotion

Get ready to dive into the exciting world of slime making with this easy-to-follow tutorial using flour and lotion. Creating your own slime at home is a fun and creative activity that will captivate both kids and adults alike. Follow these step-by-step instructions to make your very own homemade slime:

  1. Gather all the necessary ingredients. For this slime recipe, you will need clear glue, water, food coloring or soap colorant, baking soda, contact solution, foaming hand wash, shaving cream, cornstarch, and vaseline lotion. Having everything ready before you start will make the process smoother.
  2. In a mixing bowl, pour ½ cup of clear glue.
  3. Add 1 tablespoon of water and mix well.
  4. Add a few drops of food coloring or soap colorant to the mixture and stir until the desired color is achieved.
  5. Next, add ½ teaspoon of baking soda and mix thoroughly.
  6. Add 1 tablespoon of contact solution and continue stirring. You will notice the slime starting to form.
  7. Squeeze a small amount of foaming hand wash into the bowl and mix until the slime becomes stretchy and fluffy.
  8. Optional: If you prefer a thicker slime, you can add shaving cream or cornstarch to achieve the desired consistency.
  9. To make your slime softer and more enjoyable to play with, add a small amount of vaseline lotion and mix well.
  10. Knead the slime with your hands until it becomes less sticky and more elastic.

There you have it! Your very own homemade slime with flour and lotion. Feel free to experiment with different colors and textures by adjusting the amount of food coloring, shaving cream, or cornstarch. Get creative and have fun making unique slime creations!

Creative slime making with flour and lotion

Tips for Adjusting the Slime Consistency

When making slime with flour and lotion, you may sometimes encounter issues with the consistency. Don’t worry, though, as there are simple tips and tricks to help you fix sticky or watery slime. Here’s what you can do:

1. How to Make Slime Less Sticky

If your slime is too sticky and difficult to play with, try adding a small amount of cornstarch to it. Start by sprinkling a little cornstarch onto the slime and knead it thoroughly. Gradually add more cornstarch until the stickiness is reduced and the slime becomes smoother and more manageable. Be careful not to add too much cornstarch, as it can make the slime too stiff and less enjoyable to play with.

2. How to Fix Watery Slime

If your slime turns out too watery and doesn’t hold its shape, the key is to add more activator. In this case, the activator can be either contact solution or borax solution, depending on your preference. Start by adding a small amount of activator to the slime and mix it well. Keep adding and mixing until the slime gains the desired consistency. Remember to add the activator gradually, as adding too much at once can cause the slime to become too stiff and rubbery.

3. How to Fix Sticky Slime

If your slime is sticky even after adding activator, you can try incorporating a small amount of lotion into it. Lotion can help soften the slime and reduce the stickiness. Start by applying a small dollop of lotion onto your hands and knead it into the slime. Keep kneading until the stickiness is diminished. If necessary, you can repeat this process with more lotion until the slime becomes smoother and easier to handle.

Remember, slime consistency may vary depending on the specific ingredients you use, the measurements, and even the humidity in your environment. Don’t be afraid to experiment and adjust the amounts of ingredients until you achieve the desired slime texture. Enjoy the process and have fun with your customized slime creations!

Alternative Slime Recipes without Borax

If you’re looking to make slime without using borax, there are alternative recipes that you can try. These borax-free slime recipes are just as fun and easy to make, providing a safe and enjoyable sensory play activity for kids. Here are two recipes that you can experiment with:

1. Cornstarch Slime


  • 1 cup cornstarch
  • 1/2 cup water
  • Food coloring (optional)


  1. In a mixing bowl, combine the cornstarch and water.
  2. If desired, add a few drops of food coloring to the mixture for a pop of color.
  3. Stir the ingredients together until they form a thick and gooey consistency.
  4. If the slime is too dry, add more water. If it’s too sticky, add more cornstarch.
  5. Once you’ve achieved the desired texture, your cornstarch slime is ready to play with!

2. Shampoo and Salt Slime


  • 1/2 cup shampoo
  • 1/4 cup salt
  • Food coloring (optional)


  1. In a bowl, mix the shampoo and salt together until well combined.
  2. Add a few drops of food coloring if you want to give your slime some color.
  3. Knead the mixture with your hands until it forms a stretchy and slimy texture.
  4. If the slime is too sticky, add more salt. If it’s too dry, add more shampoo.
  5. Once you’ve achieved the perfect consistency, your shampoo and salt slime is ready to be enjoyed!

Give these borax-free slime recipes a try and let your creativity shine as you explore the wonderful world of slime-making without using borax. Enjoy the sensory experience and have fun with your homemade slime creations!

Slime Recipes without Borax

Safety Tips and Benefits of Making Slime

When it comes to making slime with flour and lotion, safety should always be a top priority. Here are some important safety tips to consider:

Firstly, make sure to choose non-toxic ingredients to avoid any potential harm to your children. This includes using child-safe glue, food coloring, and other materials that are specifically designed for crafting with kids.

In addition, adult supervision is crucial throughout the entire slime-making process. Keep a close eye on your children to prevent them from ingesting any of the ingredients or accidentally getting them into their eyes.

Now, let’s talk about the benefits of making slime. This hands-on activity provides numerous developmental advantages for children. It promotes sensory exploration, allowing them to experience different textures, colors, and consistencies. This can be particularly beneficial for children with sensory processing difficulties, as it helps with tactile stimulation and sensory integration.

Furthermore, making slime encourages creativity, problem-solving, and fine motor skills. As children mix and manipulate the ingredients, they are engaging their senses and developing their cognitive abilities. Plus, it’s a fantastic way for them to express their imagination and artistic flair.

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