Mastering the Art: How Do You Make Non-Sticky Slime

non-sticky slime recipe

Are you ready to unlock the secret to making non-sticky slime? Look no further! In this section, I will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to create the perfect non-sticky slime. With the right ingredients and techniques, you’ll be able to enjoy hours of slime-making fun without any stickiness!

To make non-sticky slime, you will need a few supplies such as Elmer’s white glue, clear glue, liquid laundry starch, borax powder, slime activator, soft clay, biodegradable glitter, measuring cups and spoons, craft aprons, instant snow, scentless lotion, mixing bowls, Sharpie markers, slime containers, removable labels, stirring spoons, soap dye, and shaving cream.

The key to less messy slime is to use less liquid, so this recipe does not include any extra water. To make the non-sticky slime, mix one part white glue with one part shaving cream and add any coloring you like. Then, add 1/2 part liquid laundry starch, adjusting the amount depending on the brand of shaving cream used and the humidity level. Allow the slime to sit for 5 minutes before picking it up. If it still sticks, add more laundry starch slightly at a time, being careful not to add too much. Store the slime in an airtight container and add more shaving cream or laundry starch if it becomes sticky.

Key Takeaways:

  • Use the right supplies such as glue, shaving cream, and laundry starch to create non-sticky slime.
  • Mix the ingredients in the correct proportions to achieve the desired consistency.
  • Allow the slime to sit before playing with it to ensure it is less likely to stick to your hands.
  • Store the slime in an airtight container to keep it fresh and non-sticky for longer.
  • If the slime becomes sticky, add more shaving cream or laundry starch gradually until the desired consistency is achieved.

Supplies Needed for Non-Sticky Slime

To achieve non-sticky slime, it’s crucial to have the right supplies at hand. Here is a comprehensive list of the items you’ll need to create a perfect batch of non-sticky slime:


  • Elmer’s white glue
  • Clear glue
  • Liquid laundry starch
  • Borax powder
  • Slime activator
  • Soft clay
  • Biodegradable glitter
  • Instant snow
  • Soap dye
  • Shaving cream

Tools and Equipment:

  • Measuring cups and spoons
  • Craft aprons
  • Mixing bowls
  • Stirring spoons
  • Slime containers
  • Removable labels
  • Sharpie markers

Having these supplies ready will ensure a smooth and hassle-free slime-making process.

“To make non-sticky slime, the key is to use less liquid, so this recipe does not include any extra water.”

Now that you have gathered all the necessary supplies, you are ready to embark on your slime-making adventure. Remember, the key to non-sticky slime is finding the right balance between the ingredients and the mixing process. Stay tuned for the next section, where I will guide you through the perfect non-sticky slime recipe!


How Do You Make Non-Sticky Slime

The Perfect Non-Sticky Slime Recipe

Creating non-sticky slime is an art, and I’m here to share with you the perfect recipe. With just a few simple steps, you’ll be able to make your own homemade slime that is stretchy, gooey, and completely non-sticky. Get ready to have hours of fun with this easy slime recipe!

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • 1 cup of clear glue
  • 1 cup of liquid starch
  • Food coloring (optional)
  • Glitter or other add-ins (optional)

Now, let’s dive into the slime-making process:

  1. In a bowl, pour the clear glue. If you want colored slime, add a few drops of food coloring and mix well.
  2. Add the liquid starch slowly to the glue while stirring continuously. The slime will start to form and thicken.
  3. Continue mixing until the mixture becomes less sticky and starts to pull away from the sides of the bowl.
  4. If desired, add glitter or any other add-ins to give your slime a unique touch. Mix well.
  5. Knead the slime with your hands to make it even smoother and stretchier.

And there you have it, your very own non-sticky slime! Play with it, stretch it, and enjoy the sensory experience. Store it in an airtight container to keep it fresh for future playtime.

non-sticky slime recipe

If you’re looking to take your slime-making skills to the next level, here are a few tips:

  • Experiment with different ratios of glue and liquid starch to achieve the desired consistency.
  • If your slime is too sticky, add a little more liquid starch. If it’s too stiff, add more glue.
  • Try adding different colors, glitters, or even scents to make your slime even more exciting.
  • When playing with slime, always wash your hands before and after to maintain cleanliness.

Remember, the key to making non-sticky slime is finding the right balance between glue and liquid starch. Once you master this recipe, you’ll be able to create endless variations and have a blast with your homemade slime!

Pros Cons
Easy and fun to make May require some trial and error to find the perfect consistency
Only a few ingredients needed Can be messy if not properly contained
Endless possibilities for customization May not last as long as store-bought slime

With this non-sticky slime recipe, you’ll be able to create a sensory experience like no other. So, gather your supplies, follow the steps, and enjoy the magic of homemade slime!

Tips and Tricks for Non-Sticky Slime

Creating non-sticky slime requires more than just following a recipe. To achieve the perfect consistency and avoid any sticky messes, here are some valuable tips and tricks:

  1. Choose the right glue: The type of glue you use plays a significant role in determining the stickiness of your slime. Opt for clear glue or a glue specifically designed for slime-making, as they tend to create less sticky results.
  2. Use the right amount of activator: Whether you’re using borax, liquid starch, or contact lens solution as your activator, it’s crucial to find the right ratio. Start with a small amount and gradually add more until the slime begins to form. Adding too much activator can make your slime too stiff and sticky.
  3. Knead thoroughly: Once your slime has formed, knead it well with your hands. This helps to distribute the activator evenly and remove any residual stickiness. Keep kneading until your slime has a smooth and stretchy texture.
  4. Store correctly: Proper storage is essential to maintain the non-stickiness of your slime. Keep it in an airtight container to prevent it from drying out and becoming sticky. If you notice any stickiness after storage, add a small amount of activator and knead it again.

Remember, practice makes perfect when it comes to slime-making. Don’t be discouraged if your first batch isn’t as non-sticky as you’d like. Experiment with different ingredients, ratios, and techniques until you find the perfect formula that works for you. With these tips and tricks, you’ll be able to create flawless non-sticky slime every time!

Expert Tip:

“If you’re struggling to find the right activator-to-glue ratio, try using a spray bottle to apply the activator gradually. This allows for better control and helps prevent over-activation.”


In this section, I shared some valuable tips and tricks for making non-sticky slime. By choosing the right glue, using the correct amount of activator, thoroughly kneading the slime, and storing it properly, you can achieve the perfect non-sticky consistency. Remember to experiment and practice until you find the ideal formula for your slime-making adventures.

DIY slime-making tips

Storing and Maintaining Non-Sticky Slime

Now that you’ve successfully created your non-sticky slime, it’s important to know how to store it properly to keep it fresh and ready for playtime. Follow these simple tips to ensure your slime stays in great condition:

Use Slime Containers

Invest in airtight containers specifically designed for storing slime. These containers help keep your slime from drying out and becoming sticky. Choose containers with tight-fitting lids to prevent any air from getting in.

Label Your Slime

To avoid confusion, it’s a good idea to label your slime containers. Use removable labels to write down the date of creation and the type of slime inside. This way, you’ll know which slime to use first and can easily keep track of its freshness.

Keep Away from Heat and Sunlight

Slime is sensitive to heat, so make sure to store it in a cool and dry place. Avoid exposing your slime to direct sunlight or extreme temperatures, as this can cause it to become sticky or lose its texture.

Store in a Dust-Free Environment

Dust particles can easily stick to your slime and affect its quality. Keep your slime containers in a clean and dust-free environment to maintain their non-sticky properties. Consider using airtight storage boxes to further protect your slime from dust and debris.

By following these simple storage tips, you can enjoy your non-sticky slime for weeks to come. Remember to check your slime regularly for any signs of spoilage or texture changes. With proper storage and care, your slime will provide endless hours of squishy fun!

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